Support for Young Adults

Our Service

We offer a confidential service to all of our patients, including those under 16 years of age.

This means that apart from rare exceptional situations (which is just the same as with adults) anything you tell us, or advice we give you, will not be discussed with anyone else without your permission.

If you or anyone else want to discuss the rules surrounding how we are allowed to interact with young people in such a confidential way, all you need to do is ask.

We can help you with anything you need, but these are some of the more common issues that are affecting our younger patients:


Its a bigger problem that you may realise, in fact its one of the most common issues that effects out young patients.

Bullying UK offers huge supports and great advice. You can call them free on 0808 800 2222.

Here are some links to get you started.

What is bullying?

Bullying Myths and Facts

Verbal Bullying

Racist Bullying

Sexual Bullying

Homophobic Bullying


Cyber bullying (online bullying) on social networks can happen to anyone at any time.

How to stop cyber bullying?

Best first steps include:

  • Don’t reply – Cyber bullies are often looking for a reaction
  • Reporting the person who is bullying you – Each social networking site has a way to flag up inappropriate behaviour (see below for further details) it may also be important to discuss with the school
  • Blocking the person who is bullying you – Each social networking site and mobile phone services have ways of blocking and restricting access to your account (see below for further details)
  • Keep a record – Taking a screenshot of the bullying and collect any evidence to make a written record of what’s happened including saving texts
  • Talking to an adult you trust
  • Seek extra help

Extra help that is available

ChildLine – can help you work out the best way to deal with cyber bullying or just be there so you can talk things through with someone. Call free on 0800 1111 or chat online.

Bullying on social media | Childline

How to deal with cyberbullying bullying UK | Family Lives

Sex…What is “consent”?

This video will explain everything…

TEA Consent

Chlamydia Screening and other diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.

Are you worried about chlamydia or other sexually transmitted diseases?

We offer free chlamydia screening.

If you are under 25 and worried about chlamydia, please ask to see one of our nurses who can give you a chlamydia self testing pack. If you prefer, you can just ask for the pack without an appointment, the nurse is just there to help you complete the paperwork. Have a look at for details about what is involved with this test.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

For other concerns regarding sexually transmitted diseases, there are local sexual health clinics that offer special appointment times for young people.

For advice on any sexually transmitted infections please contact Shaw Clinic at Wycombe General Hospital -Tel No 01494 425430; Website or see below Brookside Clinic in Aylesbury.

Free and Confidential Services

  • Free condoms available at Brookside, Aylesbury, and Family Planning Clinic, Wycombe General Hospital
  • CHECK-OUT at Brookside Brookside Clinic, Station Way, Aylesbury Tel: 01296 421722

    Advice and information for young people aged up to 19 years on all health issues including sexual health. Contraception, including emergency contraception, pregnancy testing. Referral for termination of pregnancy.

    Monday 3.00pm – 5.00pm (drop-in, no appointment necessary)
  • Youth Enquiry Service (YES) Monday to Friday 11.00 – 5.00pm (other times by appointment) and Saturday 12 noon – 3.00pm at Frogmoor, High Wycombe, Bucks HP13 5DG Tel: 01494 437373 (4 lines and answerphone) Fax: 01494 452853 Website:


Our doctors and nurses are trained to help you with different types of contraception.

All contraceptives are free. You do not have to be over 16 to discuss contraception or emergency contraception with a Doctor or Practice Nurse.

Free condoms are available from CHECK OUT at Brookside Clinic.

Emergency Contraception

You can phone and ask for a same day emergency appointment, or speak on the phone to a doctor as you may not need an appointment, or speak to the pharmacist who may be able to sell it.

So, if you didn’t use any contraception, or the condom burst, arrange to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Ask the receptionist for an urgent appointment – you do not need to say why!

You can also get free emergency contraception from Family Planning Clinics, Sexual health Clinics (GUM) and some Chemists.

Do you think you might be Pregnant?

See a Doctor or Practice Nurse as soon as possible.

Free emergency contraception is available from this practice but you cannot take emergency contraception if you may already be pregnant.

You can also get free emergency contraception from Family Planning Clinics, Sexual health Clinics (GUM) and some Chemists.


Drinking too much can put a serious strain on your body. It takes your liver an hour to process one unit of alcohol. So having two or three drinks an hour overloads your system – which means your health could suffer. After a session of heavy drinking take a break for 48 hours to let your body recover.

Follow this link for more information

Drug use

Are you having problems with cannabis, cocaine ecstasy or any other non prescribed drugs?

There is a brilliant local service you can contact called STARS, they will understand and they know how to help you. Click here for more information.

Someone To Talk To

Suffering from stress, exam problems, worried about your weight, relationships or feeling depressed? The surgery may be a good place for you to get some help and all the Doctors and Practice Nurses are happy to see you with these sorts of problems.

Feeling Depressed? Take a look at our common illnesses section for more useful help and information.

Counselling Services

Way In

Way In was established in 1988 and is based at 60 High Street, Chesham. The agency has for many years focused primarily on its counselling service which has been praised both locally and nationally for the high standards that it has developed in the field of youth counselling.

It has, however, in recent years begun to expand the range of services on offer through its One Stop Shop Partnership with a number of other local agencies.

These include:

  • Connexions Careers provision two afternoons per week
  • Housing Interaction Trust which provides a range of housing advice and support for young people aged 16 -25 including the Leaving Care Project which provides lodgings in secure caring homes.
  • Check Out – a free sexual health drop in for young people under 25
  • Young Addiction who provide information and support around substance misuse issues

In addition to the above, the agency provides a wider family based service which includes:

  • Counselling provision for parents and young people – these are seen separately by different counsellors with a view to eventually meeting up together for a joint session to resolve conflicts/differences that have been affecting the family as a whole
  • Parenting Skills Courses for the parents of teenagers using the Triple P Training Programme

You can find out more here: Way In Website

Youth Enquiry Service

The Youth Enquiry Service offers free and confidential support, information and counselling to 13 -25 year olds in the High Wycombe area.

No issue is too small. If you have a question, a worry or a concern, call in and speak to one of us in private. You can also phone or email us if you can’t come in and see us in person. We can give you the information and support to make the right decisions for you. All of our staff work in a confidential and non-judgmental way, so you can feel safe to talk about what is going on for you. All our services are completely free and confidential.

You can find out more here: Youth Enquiry Service Website

Keeping Safe

The Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Childrens Board website brings together information for children, young people & their families, as well as the professionals who work with them.

You can find out more here: R U Safe?

They also have valuable information relating to Child Exploitation here: R U Wise to it?

Free and Confidential Services

  • Free condoms available at Brookside, Aylesbury, and Family Planning Clinic, Wycombe General Hospital
  • CHECK-OUT at Brookside Brookside Clinic, Station Way, Aylesbury Tel: 01296 421722

    Advice and information for young people aged up to 19 years on all health issues including sexual health. Contraception, including emergency contraception, pregnancy testing. Referral for termination of pregnancy.

    Monday 3.00pm – 5.00pm (drop-in, no appointment necessary)
  • Youth Enquiry Service (YES) Monday to Friday 11.00 – 5.00pm (other times by appointment) and Saturday 12 noon – 3.00pm at Frogmoor, High Wycombe, Bucks HP13 5DG Tel: 01494 437373 (4 lines and answerphone) Fax: 01494 452853 Website:

Website Links


Spots, weight, body image, appearance, self esteem, low mood, dark thoughts, self harm or thoughts of hurting yourself, problems relating to sex or sexual identity, bullying, alcohol, drugs, relationships, smoking, periods, contraception, family, exercise, condoms, exam stress, employment issues, glandular fever issues, money worries, travel vaccinations, asthma reviews, medication issues and anything else, just call reception and book an appointment!

Childhood immunisations are carried out at both surgeries. Nurse Hilary on Thursday afternoons at Hughenden Valley Surgery and Nurse Lynne on a Tuesday afternoons every month at Chequers Drive Surgery.

Just phone the appropriate surgery to make an appointment.