Carers Bucks

Carers Bucks is a local charity that supports carers of all ages, from all communities who are looking after a friend or family member who could not manage without them. We support carers in Buckinghamshire from the ages of 6, with our Young Carers service, through to people who are in their 90s. They might be caring for someone with dementia, a physical or learning disability, serious illness or mental health problem. Whatever their caring role we can help.

Many people do not recognise themselves as carers – they are just a mum, dad, husband or daughter doing what any family member or friend would do. However carers have rights and are entitled to information and support for themselves.

Carers Bucks provides:

  • up to date information and advice on carers’ issues including benefits
  • help to get a break
  • training to help carers with their caring role
  • an In Case of Emergency service (ICE) if carers are suddenly taken ill or have an accident.
  • opportunities to meet other carers at support groups and events
  • someone to talk to in confidence
  • advice and support for working carers
  • a Young Carer service for children and young people caring for a family member.

For more information contact Carers Bucks on 0300 777 2722; email or visit our website at